Vera Guedes Biography
My name is Vera, I believe, the name of the matriarch of my maternal family inspired it. I am the eldest of three brothers, and mother of two girls. I was born on Jesus' birthday in 1976, perhaps as an omen for the faith that has been accompanying me throughout my life.
Since I remember myself, paints and brushes are part of me. Perhaps because of the sound of silence that painting offers me, perhaps because it forces me to stop and notice the details, those that make the difference between enjoying and wasting, and that so often go unnoticed.

My academic path inevitably ended up being linked to this art that I love; I have an undergraduate degree in Conservation and Restoration of graphic documents and books and some years later I got a master's degree in scientific illustration.
My first edited book resulted from one of the most enriching experiences in my life, volunteering for 24 months in São Tomé Island. The warmth of the island, the children's smile, the immense sea always around me, were the setup for the book of “Missó”, the story of a shell in São Tomé Island. This book was initially edited by the Camões Institute, which is a Portuguese Institute for Cooperation and Language and with a second edition by the Principia publisher.
I illustrated two manuals edited by FEC, The Faith and Cooperation Foundation, about children’s rights (both in Portuguese): “O Mundo de palmo e meio” and “Crianças com direitos”. I also illustrate a children’s book, with the title "Juca", in collaboration with MSV – Movement at the Service of Life. The book release involved a play at the beautiful Tivoli Theatre, and I took part on it by illustrating alive part of the narrative.
I illustrated a pedagogic project, in Portuguese book, with the title “Navegar pela cidadania Global” for the NGO: AidGlobal, Action and Integration for Global Development.
I illustrated the cover of books, one written by my great aunt “Viver” and another one called “Dançar à Chuva” published by University of Porto.
Apart from published work, I have dozens of notebooks of paintings and illustrations where I try to immortalise that precise detail that only my eyes saw.
One already knows passion to spice up life, and painting is undoubtedly mine.
I truly hope that you like my work. Thank you for visiting!